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Neurological Disorders Symptoms

Dr. Rajesh Benny Aug 01, 2023

Neurological Disorders Symptoms

The human body is an incredible system that performs some of the most complex functions every second. It is certainly a good idea to always listen to the signals that your body gives out whether it is a headache or an allergy, it is important to understand when something feels off.


Symptoms are your body’s way of indicating and cautioning you that something other than normal might be occurring inside. Informing your doctor of any abnormal symptoms that you may experience during a routine consultation is necessary because these symptoms can be a warning of a greater underlying issue that could require medical attention.

Symptoms of neurological disorders can be easy to dismiss, but as they become more severe it is essential to bring them to the attention of your physician. At times they can be indicators of serious conditions such as tumors which require the expertise of neurologists and neurosurgeons.


Read more about different types of neurological diseases.


Astonishingly, there are over 600 neurological diseases that have been known to occur in humans. There are specific disabilities that are associated with neurological disorders namely, learning disabilities, neuromuscular disorders, autism, cerebral palsy, etc. These disorders are quite common and hundreds of millions of people are affected by various neurological disorders around the world.

Signs & Symptoms of Neurological Disorders

What are some of the common nerve disorder symptoms that are easy to overlook? These mainly include:

  • Headaches
  • Weakness or numbness in the limbs
  • Dizziness
  • Change in vision
  • Altered sleep patterns
  • Memory loss
  • Unexplained weight change


1. Headaches

Headaches are fairly common and occur on an almost daily basis due to our hectic and demanding lifestyle. It can also be due to fatigue and hunger in some cases. One must pay attention, especially to how frequently the headaches occur, the amount of pain that is experienced, and if they become routine and start interfering with your daily life.

2. Weakness or numbness in the limbs

You should alert your doctor if you experience heaviness or numbness in your arms and legs for a prolonged period or for an unknown reason.

3. Dizziness

Feeling dizzy in some situations for example when you stand up too fast is common but chronic dizziness or unexplained episodes of dizziness must be brought to the attention of your doctor because it could be a sign of multiple elements that must be diagnosed and treated.

4. Change in vision

Natural ageing could lead to blurred, double, or loss of vision, but at times these could be a sign of some underlying neurological condition that has to be assessed.

5. Altered sleep patterns

Occasional restless nights, insomnia, and difficulty in sleeping are not to be taken lightly, if necessary, a sleep study might be recommended to understand the underlying cause and to identify the condition before it progresses.

6. Memory loss

People tend to forget certain incidents daily but when this trend starts to interfere with your daily life or when your family and friends point them out it is time to get yourself assessed. This is one of the most common symptoms associated with several neurological conditions.

7. Unexplained weight change

Several neurological conditions can affect the hormones in the body which eventually leads to abnormal weight gain or loss due to unknown reasons. If you notice such fluctuations in your weight, it is time to mention it to your doctor.


There is a range of other symptoms that may accompany neurological symptoms. These could be a burning sensation, confusion, altered smell or taste, loss of balance and muscle weakness, numbness in the limbs, fainting episodes, or change in the level of consciousness and times involuntary muscle contractions known as dystonia.


The signs and symptoms that are associated with neurological disorders may occur in specific patterns and might affect your senses, and ability to work, swallow see or hear. These symptoms usually vary in severity and can be periodic or persistent.

Neurology Services at Fortis Hospitals, Mumbai

Fortis Mumbai's Neurology and Neurosurgery department provides patient-centric care and evaluates each case thoroughly to ensure a thorough diagnosis and appropriate treatment.


Our team at Fortis Mumbai will evaluate your speech, vision, strength, mental status, coordination and reflexes, and sensation during a typical neurology examination. Blood and urine tests, imaging tests of the brain and spine, and certain studies might be required to confirm complex conditions. Call 022 4925 4925 to schedule an appointment with our neuro experts!


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Meet the doctor

Dr. Rajesh Benny
  • Neurology | Neurology
  • Date 18 Years
  • INR 2000

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