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Quit Smoking Support
Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

Quit Smoking Support

Quit Smoking Support May 31, 2013
Perils of Passive smoking 
1.      Second hand smoking causes around 600,000 deaths every year 2.      It leads to the same diseases as smoking – cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease 3.      If you smoke, chances are, your child will start smoking as well
4.      40% of all children are regularly exposed to second hand smoke at home
5.      If you care for your family, a 100% smoke free environment is the only way to go
6.      Talk to an Expert, seek help, You can Quit Smoking   Steps to Quit Smoking
1.      Set up a Quit Date 2.      Meet an Expert 3.      Taper off , with the help of nicotine supplements, as prescribed 4.      Don’t buy or carry cigarettes with you 5.      Collect your ‘ash’, keep all smoked butts to remind you of what you are doing to your lungs 6.      Plan a celebration when you finally ‘kick the butt’   Kick the Butt: Starting the process 1.      Identify your triggers for smoking 2.      Learn alternative ways to cope with stress 3.      Set yourself a ‘quit date’ 4.      Involve close friends and family 5.      Seek professional help 6.      Remember, determination holds the key to quit smoking.     Assertiveness: Learn to Say NO 1.      Say No when offered a cigarette. 2.      Don’t succumb to peer pressure. 3.      Create an alternative pressure, talk your friends out of smoking 4.      Don’t worry about what other people might think of you 5.      First cigarette may not be the last, No means No. 6.      This is your life, take Control, say No to Smoking!   Take a stand against smoking by sending HUGS to your friends and urge them to quit. Enroll for the Quit Tobacco program run by experts led by Dr Samir Parikh. Avail of 20% discount on 1st counseling session at select Facilities / locations. For more details or appointments, write to


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