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Are You Unintentionally Adding To Your Children?S Stress Levels?
Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

Are You Unintentionally Adding To Your Children?S Stress Levels?

Dr. Samir Parikh Mar 07, 2013

Adding to stress? Photo courtesy: Media manage Exams are stressful times. Come February and March, the stress levels of students and parents tends to spike. Some parents, surprisingly, become as stressed (if not more) as their children during exam times. Though we can blame the stress faced by our children partially on our faulty education system, we as parents are also responsible for it.

In a bid to ensure that our children perform well, sometimes we delve excessively into our children’s exam preparation—planning their study timelines, monitoring their diet and sometimes even limiting their relaxation times. We forget that such micro-management and nagging adversely impacts children’s self-confidence and make them doubt their own capabilities. If your children get unduly stressed or panicky during exams, sit down with them and help them identify the reasons for it. Encourage your children to take short breaks in between long study hours and eat well-balanced, nutritious meals. As parents you can help your children gain confidence in their own capabilities and organization-skills. Let them know that you are always available for a quick chat or guidance. Set realistic expectations and applaud their efforts whenever they achieve their pre-set targets. Most importantly, help your children understand that examinations are not the end of the world. With some careful planning and smart management your children can easily sail through any examinations with minimal stress and anxiety.   Dr Samir Parikh The author of this blog is Director – Mental Health & Behavioural Sciences, Fortis Healthcare


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Dr. Samir Parikh
  • Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences | Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences | Psychiatry | Clinical Psychology
  • Date 21 Years
  • INR 900

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