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How To Improve Employee Motivation And Focus At Work | Fortis Health Connect Blogs
Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

How To Improve Employee Motivation And Focus At Work | Fortis Health Connect Blogs

admin Mar 18, 2023


Have you ever found yourself completely immersed in a project or assignment so much so that you completely forgot the time when you started? You have been so immersed that you forgot how tired you were, and you just wanted to keep going with the project. If yes, then you might have been experiencing a state of flow. And if not then we have got you covered, as this article will focus on how to achieve a state of flow at work.

Flow is a state of focus in which a person is completely absorbed and engrossed in their work. There can be different ways in which a flow state is experienced, and it varies for different people. It can be experienced when a person is doing something they enjoy or in which they are quite skilled. Flow at the workplace can occur when employees are engaged in a task where they are completely focused. Flow can happen anytime to an employee when they are deeply engaged in a task or a project, including learning activities and work-related projects.

When we get in the state of flow, we forget about time, worries, and problems and the only goal at that time is just to create and deliver. Flow at work not only makes us more productive but also helps us enjoy the work we are doing, and the time spent at work moves faster.



  1. Helps to focus – When you are in a state of flow, you are completely immersed in that task and the mind does not wander. You are no longer concerned about how much time has passed or how much more work needs to be done. The focus is only on what you are currently engaging it.
  2. Enhances productivity - As the mind is completely focused it helps to get more done and increases efficiency and productivity at work.
  3. Increases enjoyment and creativity at work - During flow we are not concerned about self-doubts or are not critical about our work. We are better able to connect ideas and more courageous in imagining new possibilities.
  4. Greater intrinsic motivation - As flow is a positive state of mind it can help increase motivation. Intrinsic motivation involves engaging in tasks for internal rewards.



  1. Set goals - As Csikszentmihalyi, the psychologist who gave the concept of flow, explains that flow is likely to occur when an individual is faced with a task that has clear goals. So creating clearly defined, precise, concrete goals is helpful.
  2. Eliminate distractions - It is difficult to attain a state of flow when there are competing stimuli in the environment. Reducing the number of distractions can help enhance focus on tasks.
  3. Element of challenge - Being challenged at work is helpful. It enables keeping an individuals engaged to the task. The level of the challenge should be such that it is just about manageable so that it encourages a person to keep working towards building the skills that would help accomplish it.
  4. Build relaxing and meditative practices - Building relaxing routines and meditative practices that also allow you to be more mindfully present in situations can be helpful in building concentration. These can become ways to clear the mind and ignore external influences as well.



Flow is a skill that one can learn with practice. Achieving a state of flow can make the tasks engaging. Not only does it enhance performance, but it also helps to improve skills. Doing something that one enjoys, along with an element of challenge and minimized distraction can all help in achieving a state of flow.

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